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Thursday, October 16, 2014

October Updates

Happy October Seppuku Ronin. We hope that you’re enjoying this amazing Indian Summer as much as we are, unless you try to go apple picking and sit in non stop traffic for hours at a time. Oh the joys of ‘country’ life,…! Serves me right for not just heading into Central Park. A few announcements about things happening at the studio,… 

• Halloween Tattoos
Yes, we will be revisiting our Halloween Tattoo Flash again this year. Same deal as last year, first come, first serve. Both Jamison and Johnny will be in the studio for the day.

• Guest Artist Jess Versus! October 21-22
The exceptionally versatile Brooklynite Jess Versus has established herself securely on the web, raking up numerous photo sessions published online. More importantly, she’s a seasoned tattoo artist, model and burlesque performer. Well known around her way, Jess has a killer personal style that is expressed in her tattoos, graphic design and illustrations. One need only visit one of her numerous online pages (including flickr & tumblr) to get an idea of what she’s about – but you can take it from us that she has a personality and style which reflect that fiery hair color.
Whether with tattoo machine or pen and paper, this talented young artist delivers. After completing her apprenticeship with Jon Clue, she developed her own style and approach to the tattoo art form. Her custom work is colorful and technical, whilst her range as an artist is impressively diverse. Everything from old school Americana to fantasy benefit from her unique approach at the Twelve 28 Tattoo where she works. When not working her booth at the Williamsburg tattoo shop, Jess can often be seen bombing around town on her purple Gran Royale ‘Lurker’. Chances are she’s either heading to work, on her way to a photo session or to a burlesque show, so don’t get in her way. If you want some personal time with this rising tattoo artist you’d best catch her during business hours to go over those design ideas.

• Randy Prause has been on the disabled list since mid August, when he sliced his fingers on broken glass and had to undergo reconstructive surgery. He has been in physical therapy and recovering as quickly as can be expected. Due to our busy schedule, he is taking appointments for his return and advises clients interested in getting the best dates to book early. Contact Randy directly for information on his timeline.

Domo arigato gozaimasu to all the dedicated ronin for your love and support. Ja mata!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Tattoo Mentor Podcast


Oyaho gozaimasu Seppuku Ronin!

Again, I apologize for the lack of blogging. In my defense, I did work fifty eight out of the sixty days that was March and April. Deciding to simply switch over the existing business from a single owner from a partnership turned out to be much more complicated than if I had simply terminated everything and started over from scratch. And thank you for keep the whole studio busy. We appreciate your support and try to always remember that we'd be looking pretty silly tattooing without any skins.

I have a lot of irons in the fire, and we will be announcing plans for conventions, guest spots, travel and special events. We've recreated the website, again, because damn the Internets for not completely changing formats more often than some people change status updates.

Here is a podcast that I was invited on with Keith Ciaramello. Loyal retainers to the Seppuku shogunate will remember Keith as host in the all star Paint Jam at his former not so hurricane proof studio in Baldwin, NY. And no, he STILL hasn't finished his painting from that event either. But take a listen. And then jump off to Keith's page and subscribe, his podcast features some of the coolest people currently in the tattoo industry. 

Friday, February 28, 2014


Ohayo gozaimasu Seppuku Ronin-sama!

Tomorrow, Saturday, March 1st, we have the honor of hosting guest artist Amanda 'Ace' Allen of Tribeca Ink in New York City. Ace is a long time friend of the studio, and has been tattooing and traveling to conventions coast to coast for years. This short notice is due to the fact that Johnny will be out, attending a memorial service for a dear friend and mentor who helped shape him into the artist he is today. Ali Chin Chin has scaled back her schedule to part time, and new resident artist Randy Prause is still getting acclimated from his old digs.

We will have all the proper announcements when the deck chairs are all reshuffled,... it takes us analog artists a bit longer to get things set online. But we just wanted to let everyone know that you can get a walk in or a killer piece from Ace tomorrow!!/TribecaInk

Domo arigato gozaimasu!